Friday 24 February 2017



15.1 Identify the different ways in which companies collaborate using technology.

15.2 Compare the different categories of collaboration technologies.

15.3 Define the fundamental concepts of a knowledge management system.

15.4 Provide an examples of a content management system along with its business purpose.

15.5 Evaluate the advantages of using a workflow management system.

15.6 Explain how groupware can benefit a business.

1.Teams,Partnerships,and Alliances

*Organizations create and use teams,partnerships,and alliances to :

Undertake new initiatives.
Address both minor and major problems.
Capitalize on significant opportunities to helps us to compete competitors.

*Organizations create teams ,partnerships ,and alliances both internally and externally.

*Collaboration system: supports the work of teams by facilitating the sharing and flow of information.

➥Organizations form alliances and partnerships with the other organizations based on their competency.

         ➤Core competency :To reduce costs they share expertise with their teams so they did not need to hire or buy it.

         ➤Core competency strategy:They did not have expertise but they focus to someone have expertise that their company did not have.They also ask their partnership to handle nonstrategic business processes.

*Information technology can make a business partnership easier to establish and manage .

     ➥Information partnership:occurs when two or more organizations cooperate by integrating their IT systems,thereby providing customers with the best of what each can offer(different IT systems they integrates to reduce costs).

*The Internet has dramatically increased the ease and availability for IT-enabled organizational alliances and partnerships.

2.Collaboration Sytems

*Collaboration solves specific business tasks such as telecommuting,online meetings,deploying applications ,and remote project and sales management .

Collaboration system: An IT-based set of tools that supports the work of teams by facilitating the sharing and flow of information(can save time and money).

*Two categories of collaboration :

    ➥Unstructured collaboration (information collaboration): includes document exchange,shared whiteboards ,discussion forums ,and e-mail.

    ➥Structured collaboration(process collaboration):about work process ,it will become difficult if do not have knowledge .Must understand that knowledge is hardcoded as rules.

*Collaborative business functions.

*Collaboration systems include:

➤i)Knowledge management systems 
ii)Content management systems
iii)Workflow management systems
iv)Groupware systems

2.i)Knowledge management systems: supports the capturing and use of an organization's ''know-how''(not do as manually systems will helps)

*Knowledge management(KM): Evaluating that knowledge ,manage knowledge every person have their own knowledge.

3)Explicit and Tacit Knowledge 

*Intellectual and knowledge-based assets fall into 2 categories:

Explicit knowledge: easy to get record (eg:Can gain when at the classes by using textbook)

Tacit knowledge :Want to remain on organization if the employees retired they will bring tacit knowledge .Difficult to get because based on experience ,to document it difficult.

*The following are two best practices for transferring/recreating tacit knowledge.

Shadowing: Observe to get ideas.

Joint problem solving:Work together with expert. 

➥Reasons why organizations launch knowledge management programs.

4.KM Technologies

*Knowledge management systems include :

Knowledge repositories (databases)
Expertise tools 
E-learning applications 
Discussion & chat technologies 
Search & data mining tools

5.KM and Social Networking 

*Finding out how information flows through an organization

   ➢Social networking analysis (SNA)- process of mapping a group's contacts (whether personal or professional) to identify who knows whom and who works with whom.

6.Content Management 

Content management system (CMS)- tools to manage the creation, where in involves cooperation between two or more.All document that you want to share information.

➔CMS marketplace includes:
   ➥i)Document management system (DMS)
   ➥ii)Digital asset management system (DAM)
   ➥iii)Web content management system (WCM)

i)Document management system (DMS) ➤ Supports the electronic capturing ,storage ,distribution,archival, and accessing of documents.Manage document in form excel,words and PDF.

ii)Digital asset management system (DAM) ➤Similar to DMS ,generally works with binary rather than text files,such as multimedia files types.There are different format where as more to audio, video and picture.

iii)Web content management system (WCM) ➤Additional layer to document & digital asset management that enables publishing content both to intranets and to public Web sites.Organization have their own web sites where can search,create ,publish to public.

*Content management system vendor overview

7.Working wikis

Wikis - Web-based tools that make it easy for users to add,remove and change online content.

Business wikis - collaborative Web pages that allow users to edit documents,share ideas ,or monitor the status of a project

8.Workflow Management Systems

Workflow -have steps or business rules ,must follow the steps and share our workflow then partner will do other steps..

Workflow management system - controls movement of steps and cannot skip the flow.

Messaging-based workflow system - share work by using an email system.

Database-based workflow system -put all process at database,the members that want to access will find to database.

9.Groupware systems

*There have four types such as same place same time,same place different time,different place same time and different place different time.

Groupware - one of the software to interaction and dynamics including calendaring,scheduling and videoconferencing. 

*Advantages of groupware system.

Videoconference - a set of interactive telecommunication technologies that allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously.

Web conferencing - blends audio,video and document-sharing technologies to create virtual meeting rooms where people "gather" at a password-protected Web site.

Instant messaging - type of communications service that enables someone to create a kind of private chat room with another individual to communicate in real time over the Internet.

*Examples of instant messaging

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