Thursday 2 February 2017



4.1 Compare efficiency IT metrics & effectiveness IT metrics.

4.2 List & describe 5 common types of efficiency IT metrics.

4.3  List & describe 4 types of effectiveness IT metrics.

4.4 Explain customer metrics & their importance to an organization,

1)Key performance indicator (KPI) -measures tied to business drivers.

2)Metrics are detailed measures that feed KPIs.

3)Performance metrics fall into nebulous area of business intelligence that is neither technology ,nor business centered but requires input from both IT and business professionals .

4)Efficiency & Effectiveness 

i)Efficiency IT metric -measures performance of IT system itself including throughput ,speed and availability .

ii)Effectiveness IT metric- measures impact IT on business processes & activities including customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and sell- through increases.

5)Benchmarking -baselining metrics 

i)Benchmarks -baseline values the system seeks to attain.

ii)Benchmarking -process of continuously system results ,comparing results to optimal system performance ,identifying steps & procedures to improve system performance.

6)Efficiency IT metrics

a)Throughput -The amount of information that can travel through a system at any point. Example : Zalora website you can get a lot of information at one time.

b)Transaction speed -The amount of the time a system takes to perform a transaction.Example : Online banking it very fast it takes short time only to process.

c)System availability -The number of hours a system is available for users .Example :Zalora website customers can open any time because it available 24 hours.

d)Information accuracy -A system generates the correct results when executing the same transaction numerous times .Examples; Supply chain management and customer relationship management produce same results.

e)Web traffic- includes a host of benchmarks such as the number of page views, number of unique visitors and average time spent viewing a web page. Example :to compare the famous website that most visitors.

f)Response time -Time takes to respond user interactions such as mouse click.Example :how many time they click to get information.

7)Effectiveness IT metrics -focus on organizations goals,strategies, and objectives include:

a)Usability -easy people to get information.To do any transactions.It also users friendly. The less click is the most effectiveness.

b)Customer satisfaction -by satisfaction surveys,percentage of existing customers retained,and increases in revenue dollar per customer.To retain the regular customers and to increase profit.

c)Conversion rates- when customers open, read advertisement and buy the product .

d)Financial- return on investment,cost benefit analysis and costs including development, maintenance and fixed.

8)The interrelationships of efficiency and effectiveness IT metrics

-Security is the most issue ,efficiency become not but high in effectiveness.

-If system success it does not means success in business.

*Many organizations want to achieve upper right hand corner where as high in efficiency and high in effectiveness.

9)Metrics for strategic initiatives -metrics for measuring & managing strategic initiatives include :

-Website metrics
-Supply chain management (SCM) metrics
-Customer relationship management (CRM) metrics
-Business process reengineering (BPR) metrics 
-Enterprise resource planning (ERP) metrics

10)Website metrics

a)Abandoned registrations -number of visitors who start the process of completing a registration page & abandon the activity.

b)Abandoned shopping carts-number of visitors who create a shopping cart and start shopping and abandon activity before paying for the merchandise .

c)Click through -count number of people who visit,click on ad, taken site of the advertiser.

d)Conversion rate -percentage of potential customers who visit site and buy .

e)Page exposures -average number of page exposures to an visitors.

f)Total hits-number of visits to a website,many maybe by the same visitors .

11) SCM metrics :

a)Back order- unfilled customer order,back order is demand (immediate /past due)

b)Customer order promised cycle time-agreed upon cycle time of a purchase order.Gap between the purchase order creation date and requested delivery date.

c)Customer order actual cycle time -average time takes to actually fill a customers purchase order.Measure can viewed on an order /order line level.

d)Inventory replenishment cycle time- measure the manufacturing cycle time plus time included to deploy the product.

12)CRM metrics: measure user satisfaction & interaction ,include :

-Sales metrics
-Service metrics
-Marketing metrics

 13)BPR AND ERP METRICS- balanced scorecard enables organizations to measure  and manage strategic initiatives .

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